

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Audience Research: Questionnaire Analysis


In order to conduct effective audience research, we carried out a questionnaire, which was given to a variety of people, in order to measure a variety of aspects to do with our project. The results from the questionnaire, along with an analysis of each question, can be seen below.

In the first question, we asked people to tell us their age, by selecting a category from a pre-defined list. The results show that 60% of the people surveyed were between 11-20, with 90% of the overall sample being under 30 years of age. Also, our results showed that none of the people questionned were over 50 years of age. This suggests to us that we should be targeting our video at people who are in this age category, by incorporating some of the themes and ideas that they suggested in further questions. 

Our results showed, perhaps surprisingly, that 70% of the people who watch indie-rock videos are female, with just 30% being male. This information suggests that this genre is perhaps moe appealing to females than was first expected, and again suggests to us that we need to be targeting our video at females more. If we were considering using targeted advertising on social media channels & websites, then we could perhaps consider targeting advertising at females.   

Question three showed us what images, themes & conventions people expect from an indie-rock video. Although there was a fairly even mix between all options, the three conventions that came out on top were; shots of the band/artist, extra actors & intertextual links to other media prodctions/themes. Shots of the instruments, audience, nudity/suggestive content, fast editing and artificial lighting were all options that were very popular, and so we will look to incorporate some of these themes into our work where possible.  

Our research shows that 22% of our audience expect an indie-rock music video to be set outside. This could perhaps be because of the 'rough-and-ready' stereotypical image, which people may associate with outside urban environments. Again, this is something that we could perhaps look to incorporate into our music video. 

Our survey said that 56% of people prefer music promos with a narrative, whilst 44% of people like videos with performance elements included. Due to our relatively small sample size, these two figures are broadly similar, so we should be looking to include a mixture of both performance & narrative within our video. 

Question six shows that the majority of people watch music videos on YouTube, as was initially thought. This shows that YouTube is the best place for us to upload our music video, as this is the most popular platform for people to view videos of this genre on, allowing maximum reach for our product and the band. 

As a continuation from the last question, the results from question 7 show that Google tablets, along with laptops and desktops are the most popular platform for viewing music videos of this genre. With computers making up 40% of the result, smartphones making up 32% of the result and tablets the remaining 28%, this shows that the majority of people use traditional computing platforms to view music videos on. This also indicates where people choose to watch music videos of this genre - as most people watch on a computer, then they are either located at a fixed location, such as at a desk, rather than being mobile. This information helps us to decide which resolution and ratio we should use to publish our video, and also which devices we should target internet advertising. 

This question shows that most people prefer videos that use illustration. This could be because people who watch these sorts of videos generally find the story and message behind the video interesting, and like this to be highlighted within the video. This is something that we should consider incorporating into our video. 

Question 9 allowed us to get a feel for which other types of product people who lilke this genre choose to buy. As 40% chose to purchase clothing with their £10, this indicates that those who like this genre are conscious of fashion, and enjoy clothes shopping. 20% of people chose to purchase electronic goods, and so this indicates that these people like gadgets and technology, again suggesting that they like to keep up to date with the latest trends. This could be because most people who like this genre are under 30, as was demonstrated in question 1.  


  1. • Excellent evidence of planning and research demonstrated so far.
    • You have completed all the planning tasks, plus additional material, to a very high standard.
    • Grade wise this is Band 4 grade A.
    • You now need to maintain this standard – focus on showing how you use your research into audience / conventions to inform and develop your own production. Try to see it as an integral part of this process. Ensure that you evidence and explain / justify your development decisions as you progress.
    • Well done – this is really impressive!
