The advert for the Arctic Monkeys can be seen above, which features a black background, along with the CD cover for the album in the centre. This draws attention to the product, also helping people to associate the case with the advert. The black background uses a colour that is often associated with the genre, and the use of the white writing in bold font helps to have a large impact. In addition, the use of the star ratings in the bottom left and right corners gives credibility to the brand, giving people faith and confidence in what is being sold.
The advert above is for Mumford & Sons' album 'Sign No More'. Again, a black background is used, but stills are presented in a picture frame style, which gives it an authentic, rustic feel. In a similar style to the previous advert, a white font is used, but this time, a Serif font is applied, giving a more traditional appearance. This advert features more detail than the previous one, however, giving details of the record label, and of the different tracks that are on the album.
The final advert, shown above, which is for The Master Plan by Oasis, follows many of the typical conventions that are displayed in the previous two adverts, with the black background, white font-face and photo-focus in the centre. However, this advert uses a black and white image, which draws attention to the red font that is used, and this advert also includes the price of the album, which is something that is missing from the previous two. This unusual technique perhaps highlights the different selling styles - the Arctic Monkeys and Mumford & Sons may feel that they wish to use their brand and identity to sell the album, whereas Oasis might feel that they need to use price and persuasive techniques to help boost sales figures. This advert also shows that the album is available on iTunes, but also at HMV, with the HMV logo and slogan being used to highlight this. Again, this perhaps shows that the band have worked together with HMV to create convergance between the two profiles, that benefits both parties.
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